Let’s be honest, 2021 has generally been pretty crap, starting with lockdown and finishing with more restrictions again… but I’m not one for focussing on the negatives and although life hasn’t been a bed of roses there is still so much to be thankful for…
Firstly my business is still here… and it’s thriving! I couldn’t have done it without you and am sooooo grateful for all your bookings, recommendations, likes and shares on social media and general awesomeness in supporting me and my camera. THANK-YOU!
Secondly I now have a clever, funny and loveable 6 year old who is developing every day. Apart from his growing addiction to gaming he’s amazing and makes us very proud. Thirdly, we now have a puppy called Rosie-Boo! She will be 4 months old when I post this blog and as I’m writing she’s asleep on my lap. You may have seen my photos of her plastered all over my fb and insta pages.. I’m not at all sorry for the puppy spam and she even has her own insta page @Rosie_boo_sprockerpoo (yes I can’t help myself lol)
Work wise this year has enabled me to work with many loyal and supportive families and meet loads of new families too. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it and here are some of my favourite images / moments from the year…
Thanks again you lot and have a happy (and healthy) 2022. We can’t really ask for more than that these days can we.
Love ya
Kel x
And below are some of my favs from my personal collection.. it’s only when you look back you can see how much you’ve actually done.. totally made up for being on hold during 2020. My mum reached her 80th birthday with her sisters and cousins around her, it was lovely too and the cake from Sam at the Happy Baker was divine. It’s also been our first full year of weekend sport with Dan and it’s been lush being part of the Caerphilly Rugby Club Culture.
I can’t forget me walking 26 miles across the Wye Valley with my bestie Charlotte.. especially as my big toenail has literally just fallen off as a result of the strain.. yep too much information I know lol.. just want those that sponsored me to realise their money was worth it lol.. collectively the 2 of us raised over £1000 for Macmillan and I’m super proud of that.
Here’s to 2020, what ever it will bring :-)