Back in November I was asked by my son’s nursery, Britannia Day Nursery, if I would take part in the Strictly Top Dancer competition. Teams of 5 novices are paired with a professional dancer and we have to create a dance and perform it in front of a room full of people in May. Those of you that know me will understand my fear of wearing heels.. I literally live in flip flops and hiking boots, I constantly fall over when I do venture out in heels and I even chose flat shoes on my wedding day. The fear is real. Dancing shoes have heels and I am expecting to have a few blunders, or a twisted ankle or to make a complete fool of myself on stage..
However it’s all for charity and that’s where the photography comes in. Each team has to raise £1500 towards the Breast Centre in Llandough Hospital. Fundraising in a world where everyone is asking for money is really difficult and you constantly feel you are sponsoring one thing or another. So I decided to take a day out and do voluntary valentine’s portraits at Britannia Day Nursery. The cost was quite small because I wanted to encourage people to take the opportunity and I raised £330. There might even be more as I am waiting for some parents to make their final choices. Thank you to all the parents that helped support me.
The Breast Centre at University Hospital Llandough treats between 450 and 500 new breast cancer patients every year; for initial investigations, follow-up treatment and patients returning for results. The new Breast Centre houses out-patient clinics and diagnostic radiology services together. Patients can have a mammogram or ultrasound and get their results on the same day; then if further investigations are needed these can also be carried out at the Centre. Donations to the Breast Centre Appeal are used to provide patients with additional services outside the NHS support.
If you’d like to donate you can show your support here. Thank you.
Below are some of the images I took. The beautiful canvas backdrop is from Intuition Backgrounds and was borrowed from my good friend Steph Keily Photography.